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Digital Art, Digital Imaging, Illustration

Shiva Project by Fadhel Adam (alicamateus),seni digital,seni digital,ilustrasi
The Shiva Project
Shiva Project by Fadhel Adam (alicamateus),seni digital,seni digital,ilustrasi
Diagram, Explanation, Graphic
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This illustration I used for Evolo Competition 2012. Unfortunately I didn't pass, maybe next time.

Description :

Once in every era, comes a man with idea so extreme, it shook the very ground beneath
our feet. An idea, as obscure as it may sound, was born among the urgent need of survival
from a cornered mind. We then see how the whole world is striving for future, including
Jakarta, one of largest city in the world whose endlessly fighting insurmountable problem
of overpopulation.

Like the story of a sinking civilization of Atlantis, the twin cities of Sodom and
Gomorrah, and the behemoth flood wiping the earth clean in the story of Noah; Jakarta
may fade into a forgotten metropolis in the distant future. Tis haunted by the fact that in
20 to 30 years, the Sea of Java shall swallow the city, leaving all the lives in its soil die
into legends, written in books and preserved in museums, excavated by generations to

To prevail, a bold movement is in order. Therefore a passage for a project, and a chance
for Mother Nature to finally able to do what she does best: Mending her own children.
“And by his divine name, Lord Shiva the destroyer of everything mortal, we entrust our
impending doom. Let His endowment purge our very existence, give our children a
chance to see a blossoming future, let him befall our burghal as a purifying flame.
Cleanse this land O mighty butcher, as we heave our strength to raise a tower in thy

As with a name comes prayer. As with a name comes wonder”
Primarily, the use of the skyscraper and the pipeline system is to catalyze positive
mutation of plants. The secondary effect is to create a harmful effect to humans and
animals, therefore forcing them to migrate outside of the radiation zone.
Aside this, there are also forecasted impacts that the nation could gain during the city’s
blunt phase. Healthier environment is one aspect, but the nation could also gain positive
image, therefore creating higher politica

Uploaded 08 January 2014