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Character Design, Concept Art, Digital Art, Digital Painting, Illustration

Tialys by Jaka Prawira (Ellinsworth),desain karakter,concept art,seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Photoshop. Wacom. While posing in hell.
Tialys by Jaka Prawira (Ellinsworth),desain karakter,concept art,seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
The tutorial. Click to download.
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"A sorceress of dark magic, Tialys was cursed as a child by a powerful demon who granted her the ability to wield and control the fires of hell. So when a magical plague swept through her homeland, killing thousands, she suffered from it but did not die; instead she flourished. As she grew healthier, so did all she came into contact with as she developed the ability to heal the dying with her bare hands. She rapidly gained a following of people and other beings that came to her, awed by her otherworldly magic.

But her innocence and kindness died the moment that she learned she would one day die. Tialys has spent her entire life since then attempting to gain or steal enough power in order to become immortal. Naturally she became more powerful, and eventually found a way to bind the demon that had cursed her to her own soul. By doing so stole its fiendish magic - an action that transformed her into a creature from hell. She now walks through the layers of hell, a servant to no other demon, and delights in capturing and binding the souls of the weak to increase her own power, always afraid someone more powerful will come and take away her empire.

The hand of Tialys is small cult/religion that is populated with evil humans and outcasts who revere her for her ability to bring destruction, and also give life. Their philosophy revolves around taking from the weak, as they believe that if you are not able keep your power or station, you do not deserve to have it. In order to become a part of her order you must pass an initiation, in which pairs of hopeful will enter a room, and only one may walk out."

Commission Work for the new dawn of February. Enjoy. :D

Photoshop. Wacom.

Uploaded 07 February 2014