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Fine Art, Illustration, Painting

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Fine Art, Illustration, Painting

SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
THE CROSS ROAD Between Arab st and North Bridge st
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH an PRINSEP ST Founded as a Malay chapel in1843 by Reverend Benjamin Keasberry of the London Missionary Society. Known as Straits Chinese Presbyterian Church under English Presbyterian Mission in 1886 and aqcuired it presents name in1955. Jerome, a guy from the Church told me this church was one of the oldest church in Singapore.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
HANGOUT WITH LOCAL URBAN SKETCHERS AT PRINSEP ST I met some local sketchers here, i drew an old hospital (left). One of the sketchers was born there and she told all the history about herself and that old abandoned ex-hospital building. This hospital had been abandoned since 80's.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
CENTRAL FIRE STATION Opened in 1909, one of Singapore's oldest existing fire station. Provides fire-fighting, ambulance, rescue coverage for the central district. I sketched this building super fast, because the night is coming so soon, just look at my watermark, its 7.16 PM.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
FREEMASON'S HALL : THE WORLD MOST SECRET SOCIETY Freemasonry began in Singapore in 1845 with the consecration of lodge Zetland no. 748 at the masonic room in Armenian st between 1845 - 1879, Freemasons held their meetings in different places, until in 11879 when they moved into this building at Coleman st. The building was designed in English Renaissance, type of Palladian architecture which was use in England for government and punlic buildings. Troughouthistory, Freemasons as a society has a vast and diverse international membership which cuts across race, religion, nationality. Amongest them were Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, George Washington. Morgan the building keeper told me, this building ain't a museum, it's just a fancy restaurant inside.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
ST ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL The oldest church in Singapore since 1837 with an English Gothic Revival architecture, designed by GD Coleman.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
FORT CANNING PARK Small hill more than 60 meters tall at the southeast of Singapore, called Forbidden Hill / Bukit Larangan / Fukångning.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
GARDEN by the BAY, SUCCULENT GARDEN I went to the most famous Flower Dome and Cloud Forest section with my little sister and my mom (she was the one with this idea to visit Garden by the bay, she loves gardening), Ticket price was S$ 28.00 include of GST. First, I was attracted to learn about some succulent and cacti. but all of them was awesome, i saw Boabab tree, some flowers, cooking herbs, etc. Cloud Forest was a tropical rain forest model. it was a "jaw-dropping" experience. 24 hours wasn't enough for this day, trust me !
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
SINGAPORE PHILATELIC MUSEUM Showcases one of the most-ranging collections of Singapore's stamps and philatelic items. As a philatelic this place was a "must-to-go" place, The Receprionist was an old aunty, and she still remember me, just the face and where i come from, not my name. "Stamps are miniature pieces of art featuring significant events history and heritage of a country" - Singapore Philatelic Museum I have 3 agendas in this museum : 1. Continuing my mother collections (checked!) 2. Hunt some space series stamps (checked!) 3. Sketch iconic stuffs (checked!) mission accomplished!
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
FOODIES ! at (Kosher) Kopi Tiam Breakfast at Kopi Tiam What is Kopi Tiam ? is a traditional coffee shop found in Southeast Asia, patronised for meals and beverages. The word kopiis a Malay/Hokkien term for coffee and tiam is the Hokkien/Hakka term for shop. Kopi tiams in Singapore are commonly found in almost all residential areas as well as some industrial and business districts in the country, numbering about 2,000 in total. Although most are an aggregate of small stalls or shops, some may be more reminiscent offood courts, although each stall has similar appearance and the same style of signage. In a typical kopi tiam, the drinks stall is usually run by the owner who sells coffee, tea, soft drinks, and other beverages as well as breakfast items like kaya toast, soft-boiled eggs and snacks. The other stalls are leased by the owner to independent stallholders who prepare a variety of food dishes, often featuring the cuisine of Singapore & cuisine of Malaysia. Traditional dishes from different ethnicities are usually available at kopitiams so that people from different ethnic backgrounds and having different dietary habits could dine in a common place and even at a common table.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
ROTI PRATA (I ate 3 !) The prata has always been known as parotta in the Indian subcontinent, while it is usually known as roti canai in other countries such as Malaysia. Prata is also commonly cooked upon request with cheese, onion, banana, red bean, chocolate, mushroom or egg. It is listed at number 45 in the World's 50 most delicious foods readers' poll compiled by CNN Go in 2011. CHILI CRAB (I ate 2!) One of the most Singaporean most popular. A stir fried mud crab in a semi-thick, sweet, and savoury tomato and chilli based sauce. Served with fried mantou.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
THOSAI with PLAIN MASALA Thosai was a Malay name for Dosa / Doshay, a fermented crepe made from rice batter and black lentlis. Thosai was already consumed in ancient Tamil country around 1st Century. TANDOORI CHICKEN with NAAN Roasted chicken prepared with yoghurt and spices, popular in South Asia, and of course Singapore. Tandoor was a name of traditional cylindrical clay oven from India. Originated in the Punjab before the independence of Indoa and Pakistan. The fame of Tandoori Chicken led to many derivatives such as Chicken Tika. one of the best northern India food !
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
MURTABAK A pan-fried bread, usually includes minced meat (kosher), along with garlic, egg, onion, eaten with curry / gravy, sliced cucumber, syrup pickled onions, and tomato sauce. Most famous restaurants was at Arab st, in front of Mq Sultan. SOUP TULANG MERAH A local Mamak (Tamil Moslem) dish of mutton or beef bones stewed in spicy red sauce with intent of eating the marrow. Served with Roti John. My favourite restaurants was at M A Deen Biasa King of Soup Tulang, Jalan Sultan.
SKETCHBOOK : A Trip to Singapore 2015 by Nugraha Pratama (NugrahaPratama27),fine art,ilustrasi,melukis
KAYA TOAST Kaya toast is prepared with coconut jam (kaya), a topping of sugar, coconut milk and eggs, pandan, and sometimes margarine or butter. The dish is sometimes dipped into soft-boiled egg. A popular breakfast meals in Singapore
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I went to Singapore from 30th January to 5th February 2015 just for a holiday, visiting my relatives (specialy my little lovely niece), and of course to sketch. I love every spot in Singapore it feels different with Jakarta. Such as the architectures, the museums, the peoples, and of course the foods.

I learned a lot from sketching, i saw every detail of the the object, i can ask every people near me as a source, feel the atmosphere. It's just feels good to me, like people asking "what are you doing?" or "are you sketching?" and the moment when i shared my stories online or off the line.

Well i want to tell you some of my stories about the place that i've been visited and food i've been tasted.

Uploaded 04 August 2015