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Character Design, Digital Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, Painting

CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Orde #1 Descript : Has Ability to Understand or Know something Immediately based on feelings rather than facts.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Covet #2 Descript : Desite to have something that is possessed by another.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis #3 Descript : Show Amount Of mass Wisdom.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Ruth #4 Descript : A feelling of symphaty and sorrow for the misfortunes of other.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Trop #5 Descript : the act of compelling by force of authority.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Scalawag #6 Descript : One Who Playfully Mischievous.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Hakeem #7 Descript : One Who Estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Chronic #8 Descript : Being Long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Feig #9 Descript : Pretending with intention to deceive.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Shiver #10 Descript : Tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Savack #11 Descript : The trait of extremly cruelty.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Harb #12 Descript : Hold back a thought or feeling.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Flux #13 Descript : Become fluid or liquid when heated.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Lurk #14 Descript : Behave in sneaky and secretive manner.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Mop #15 Descript : Move around slowly and aimlessly.
CubeHead_Society by Bachrudin Yusuf (Baha),desain karakter,seni digital,desain grafis,ilustrasi,melukis
Crav #16 Descript : Intense desire for some particular thing.
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First NFTs project that i build from scratchs. Fundamentaly creating this interesting project from Erno Rubik Quote '"The Cube is an imitation of life itself - or even an improvement on life." And so Cube is essential in this project, then i spice it a little with sureal touch and little bit dark grungy to it. Then i aiming this project for METAVERSE, Hopefully this project can roaming on METAVERSE Someday Later.

Uploaded 10 February 2022