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Comic, Digital Art, Illustration, Typography

SABAR font. by Yuna Huang (kucingterbang),comic,seni digital,ilustrasi,tipografi
The Front and Back View of SABAR poster.
SABAR font. by Yuna Huang (kucingterbang),comic,seni digital,ilustrasi,tipografi
Here's some example of Unique Angkot.
SABAR font. by Yuna Huang (kucingterbang),comic,seni digital,ilustrasi,tipografi
This was my very first design of the typeface.
SABAR font. by Yuna Huang (kucingterbang),comic,seni digital,ilustrasi,tipografi
Second attempt of progress. " The only one that looks Indonesian is only the 'K' letter. " my professor once said. So i had to redesign them all to make the typeface more Indonesian.
SABAR font. by Yuna Huang (kucingterbang),comic,seni digital,ilustrasi,tipografi
Managed to change the shape of the tail and serif.
SABAR font. by Yuna Huang (kucingterbang),comic,seni digital,ilustrasi,tipografi
Final result ( excluding the shape that still needs to be fixed ).
SABAR font. by Yuna Huang (kucingterbang),comic,seni digital,ilustrasi,tipografi
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"Angkot" or angkutan kota and Indonesia are two things that cannot be seperated.
Every direction the eyes are darting, there's one Angkot.

Have you ever been so bored inside the car because of traffic jam
that your eyes begin to monitor another unique cars near you?

This font was inspired by that.
Angkot's decoration was merely for attraction purpose.
When Angkot gets the most passenger, he win.
That's why on Angkot's body we usually find
some illustrations or typography that
are interesting to see/read.

SABAR font,
was taken from the word "patient" ( in Indonesia "sabar" ),
is a word that is usually used by the Angkot's driver
whenever the cars behind it began to
dim their lights or just honking
endlessly when Angkot stops.

" Can't they be more patient?! " - Angkot.

I'm trying to capture how crowded Indonesia's traffic is.
The illustration was inspired by my everyday route when
going to campus,Tangerang, Gading Serpong, Karawaci.
Everyday is always like that, the Angkots are
marching their own song to grab
more and more passengers.

The font was first inspired by the chubbiness
of some stickers on Angkot's body.

By any chane anyone saw the mad instagram icon,
" people are usually more patient waiting for their
smartphone to load than when driving
on the road. "

Uploaded 16 April 2015