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Digital Art, Graphic Design

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Digital Art, Graphic Design

Computer Graphic by Jessica Ivana (Jeiivs),seni digital,desain grafis
Visual Communication Design UPH Computer Graphic 1 Project: Character Design Adobe Illustrator About the Character: At first I was confused while choosing what kind of character that I want to make and what object that would be the base, Yet I was quite sure that I want to make an animal character. Finally I had to choose between peacock and flamingo. Why those 2 animals? because I think those animals are really represent beauty in animals world. In the end I chose peacock as my character design because i love the colors, the shape, and how it looks fancy and classy, Then I decided to improve the "fancy and classy" by using gold color for most of the character components and modified the shape with curly gold ornament, adding some gold jewels around the peacock, using blue jewel color for the feathers, and using dark turquoise for the rest of it.
Computer Graphic by Jessica Ivana (Jeiivs),seni digital,desain grafis
Visual Communication Design UPH Computer Graphic 1 Project: Digital Collage About: This is actually about what women love, have, and expects. Girls have a lot of dreams in their minds, mostly are about finding their happiness and love. Normally, girls love flowers, food, beauty, freedom, and shopping. Start with Flowers, flowers are pretty and represent lots of meanings, many women expect flowers from their beloved ones because most of flowers represent romance. Food..who doesn't love food? we're human, we need food to keep us alive. Some foods make us happy and forget about the problems that we have, it such a stress relief. Unicorn represents hopes and dreams. As we know that women are dreamy, full of feelings, and imaginative. women have tons of dreams and bunch of hopes in their life, thats why sometime we forget to balance the feeling and the logic. Hamsa Hand and Clover represents how women put Luck as their faith in life. Taylor swift is a symbolism of an idol, most of women have their own idols and motivations in their life. and boxes means women usually think outside the box and beyond mens expectation. Women characters: Deer represents gentleness, sensitive, and beauty, a deer also represents love..which is the most important thing for most of girls in this world. Butterfly represents elegance, finding joy in life, and lightness. . Rabbit represents loving and caring.
Computer Graphic by Jessica Ivana (Jeiivs),seni digital,desain grafis
Visual Communication Design UPH Computer Graphic 1 The Final Project (Theme Title: Launch) Title: From Basic to Magic Inspired by Andreas Preis Media: Digital (Adobe Illustrator) Color Palette: Gold, Black, Teal(shades), Silver, Orange About: The purpose of this project is making a digital artwork which is inspired by a famous artist. I chose Andreas Preis as my inspiration for this project, Andreas Preis made lots of amazing artworks that putting animals as the object. I was thinking to improve the object to improve the WOW-ness. Then I chose a dragon as my object instead of a normal animals because dragon is a mythical creature which is powerful, wonderful, and has a strong characteristic. This artwork only made with basic shapes and a little help of pen tool to make it looks smoother. The structure and the style of this artwork adopted from Andreas Preis artworks earlier, yet the major object, colors, and components are my improvisations on modifying the artwork.
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Visual Communication Design UPH
Digital artwork (Photoshop&Illustrator)

Uploaded 06 August 2015