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Character Design, Concept Art, Digital Painting, Game Design

Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
"Di antara semua buah mentimun yang tumbuh, ada satu buah yang warnanya kekuningan. Lalu mbok Rondo mengambilnya dan membawakan pulang." Timun Mas Story - Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Nusantara by M. B. Rahimsyah Sam Numit is a redesigned story of Indonesian famous folktales. The redesigning resulted a crossover of Indonesian folktales about freedom. Folktales that included are Timun Mas, Lutung Kasarung, 1000 Candi, and Malin Kundang. Some folklore creatures, myths and symbols are added too to build the world. The concept was already adapted into a boardgame. It is planned to be adapted into animated movie and video game. Redesigning the story start from some research about culture, philosophy, and message of Timun Mas folktale; continued with concept builing of the new crossover world and some character designs (most of them are redesigned character from the original folktales). The concept arts are compiled in an artbook, Art of Sam Numit
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
the early sketch of Yawadvipas map the World The story set in a whole new universe, called Yawadvipas (which means islands of Java). Every nation has it's own superior technology. One of them is Mitenore. Rich and famous by its culture, nature and genetic engineering technology. Mitenore is surrounded by an ocean of trees. The timeline start in post apocaliptic era, when Mitenore is ruled by Rhaksasas (giants) after a world war called Ecneic war.
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Forbidden Forest
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Forbidden Forest - Swamp
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Forbidden Forest - Early concept and development Characters Design Most of the characters are redesign of characters from the original folktales.
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Refugee were the original folks of Mitenore but coup d'etat force them to live as slaves to the rhaksasas. The designs are based on supporting characters on "Ni TImun Mas dan I Lantang Hidung" folktale.
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
The design of rhaksasas are based on Buto folklore
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Sammi is a redesigned character of Timun Mas
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Oji Thobu is a redesigned character of Buto Ijo from TImun Mas folktale
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Sarungka is the redesigned character of Lutung from Lutung Kasarung folktale
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
character design development
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Ornaments on Mitenore wall. The design was insired by "gunungan" which opens and closes a traditional puppet show. It contains the overall story icons
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Sigil of Mitenore and Rhaksasa
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Scene illustration
Art of Sam Numit by Ann Maulina (NMaulina),desain karakter,concept art,digital painting,desain game
Scene illustration
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Concept arts of my final project: Sam Numit the boardgame

Uploaded 05 January 2016